Do you know how to make a screenshot in just one click?
Many people think that creating screenshots is long and time-consuming. No wonder: to make a screenshot, you are to use two or even three additional applications:
- Image creation software
- Graphic editor - to crop margins, add remarks, etc.
- Browser to upload a screenshot on a hosting
- Hosting service
Indeed, it's not convenient and it takes very long. But you can forget about this trouble - in just one click!
To do this, simply download software for making screenshots Joxi!
Joxi knows how to make screenshots!
Joxi is a software for making screenshots - use it to make great things in just a couple of clicks
- Make shots of the whole screen (or a part of it) and upload them onto the online hosting straight away
- Demonstrate the screenshots uploaded to your friends and discuss them using comments section
- Find the necessary screenshots in just a couple of clicks (both created yourself and shared!)
- Exchange any other files (apart from screenshots), including sending groups of files or placing them into archives.
The best thing is that Joxi is absolutely free - you can download our software for making screenshots right now.
Joxi is a one-size-fits-all and an easy-to-use software for making screenshots. Try it!